Making Strides

I had a rough couple of weeks. I’m not going to lie. Life has been a struggle. Despite all the hardship, I decided that it’s time to do something for me. With a reminder from my friend Christy, I signed up to run the Bellin Run.

The Bellin Run is a 10K race that takes place the second week in June every year. I used to run it every year in Elementary School/Middle School. Since it has been quite a bit since I’ve been in either I’m extremely excited for an epic flashback! I’ve been quite bummed out for a while now and this has race has me hopeful again.

At the end of last year, I ran 7 miles so I know I can kick this 10K’s butt! The Bellin Run is only 6.2 miles so I know I am going to be successful! My time may not be anything to brag about but I have a long way to come before I will be ready. I’m ready to get back in my healthy habits and change my life.

The nice thing about the Bellin Run is that they have a training schedule online. I was lucky that I signed up now because the training schedule starts on Easter Sunday aka this Sunday. The training schedule doesn’t look so bad and now that daylight savings time has passed, there are more hours of the sunlight and more time to run outside. I’m grateful that my friend Christy also signed up because I will have a running buddy. Unfortunately, she doesn’t live in Madison, so I won’t have a running buddy for the training. I will have a friend on race day though so that is fantastic.

I’m definitely a little bit nervous about the race because I’ve been having a few problems with my asthma. The reason I stopping running last year was because I couldn’t breathe. I’m not too worried though because I have doctors that can help me and I’m really motivated. This is going to be the best 10K ever! Bring on June 11!

Food Crafts

One of the latest food trends is the rainbow bagel. They look magical and I’m sure they taste delicious. When I was shopping for groceries this week I decided that I was going to make my own rainbow bagels. I found a recipe online that was really easy. The recipe was more like rainbow biscuits but I thought I could handle it.

I started out by splitting up the biscuits into four equal parts. Once they were fully mixed I added colors to each one. I couldn’t quite get the food coloring to cover all of the dough so it was more like marble. I then rolled out the dough and stacked all the colors up. I cut what seemed to be small pieces and formed my own bagels. They got a little bit bigger than I expected so I should have probably made them half the size.

The rainbow bagels were less rainbow bagel and more biscuits with personality but I was still proud of them.

Once they were cooled down, I got out my cream cheese and tried one. My suspicions were confirmed and the bagel was way to big. Even though I hadn’t eaten dinner, I just could not finish the bagel. The cream cheese was also a little too sweet so that might have made and impact too.

I had a long day at work and this simple baking experiment was just what I needed to relax and clear my mind. Not to mention, I also had a pretty yummy dinner! Let me know what you think of my bagel/biscuit experience and any advice you have for my next attempt.

Missing Summer

As the temperatures went below freezing again this week, I can honestly say I am missing summer. I know summer is quite a ways away and honestly spring weather would be great right about now.  But since I am in a summer and sunshine mood, I thought I would share all things I love about summer.  

Last summer, I was spoiled and I spent the first part of summer in Madrid followed by the glorious sunshine of Valladolid, Spain to end my European travels. While that was a special year, summer always holds a fond place in my heart with memories of family visits and warm water.  While summer always meant the much needed break from school it also included some little treasures.

1.  Watermelon

Nothing says summer more than eating fresh cut watermelon out in the sunshine.  I have to admit it can be somewhat of a sticky situation (pun intended) but that fresh, sweet watermelon always makes me smile.  Watermelon is also in season during the summer so there is rarely a time that the watermelon doesn’t taste fabulous.

2.  Swimming

I’m not always a fan of going swimming but I do think it is the best form of exercise.  If I had access to a pool, I would probably swim everyday but usually I only get a chance to swim in summer. I always associate swimming to summer. All the way up to middle school, I would spend the summer camping and go from swimming in the pool to swimming in the lake.  

 3.  Exploring

There is always something new and thrilling happening going on in summer. From summer festivals to music events, I love it all. I enjoy spending time with my friends and family and usually summer is the only time everyone is available. We may not all be available at the same time but usually I am able to everyone I care about during that time. One of my favorite explorations was when my friends and I ran all over Sydney for school.

I hope now you understand a little bit better why I love summer.  It may get a little two hot but it is second on my list of favorite seasons for a reason.  I know there is a long way to go before the summer shades and short sleeves come out but I will be ready.