20 Life Lessons I learned from Harry Potter

Harry Potter has been a huge part of my life and it is the reason there is magic in my life. Looking back on the series, there is more to the books than just a fictional story. I grew up with Harry Potter and his story is part of mine. I would have been shocked if I learned nothing from the story.

The stories took me on an adventure and showed me what friendship was meant to be, how to grow up with grace (not always perfectly), and how a story could change a life. While rereading the series, I found there were 20 life lessons that are applicable in my own life. Here is what I learned:

1. The family you are born into isn’t always better than the family you choose.

Harry lost is parents at a young age and spent his childhood living with his aunt and uncle who were horrible to him. Upon arrival to Hogwarts, Harry met some incredible people that became his family throughout the years. Just because your friends aren’t your blood relatives doesn’t mean they can’t mean you can’t love them just as much.

2. Even bad guys aren’t usually all bad.

When you look at some of the “bad guys” in Harry Potter, it is clear that not all of them are truly bad. Consider Draco Malfoy. From the beginning, he seems to be the worst person ever and always at odds with Harry. By the end of the series we realize he is collateral damage for his parents’ poor alliances. Don’t categorize people by what they seem to be.

3. Don’t waste your life being scared of what’s next.

“To the well-organized mind, death is merely the next great adventure.” –Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

4. “Never trust anything that thinks for itself if you can’t see where it keeps its brain.” –Arthur Weasley, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

This is totally applicable now that people can hide behind social media accounts to hide the truth, just like a young Voldemort did to Ginny and Harry. Trusting someone you don’t know can be dangerous.

5. “Numbing the pain for a while will make it worse when you finally feel it.” –Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire 

6. The past can’t ever be changed but the future is in our  control.

While Harry and Hermione were able to change Buckbeak’s fate with the time turner, things aren’t always that simple. The past shapes who we become and without the pain, happiness and everything in between we wouldn’t be us. Anything is possible no matter how difficult the task. We have the power to control what will happen to us.

7. Sometimes we have to face our fears in order to get what we want.

Ron followed spiders so he could help his friend in need. Harry overcame his fears so he could produce a patronus. Our wants may not be as severe as Harry and Ron’s but it takes a lot to overcome your fears to get the desired end result.

8. Sometimes we have to fight our battles alone.

Harry had an incredible amount of help from his friends but in some cases he had to fight alone. In the end, it was only him and Voldemort. I can tell you right now my battles are not that intense, but sometimes it takes a great deal of courage to realize that no one can help me but myself.

9. People aren’t always exactly how they seem.

Two words: Sirius Black. We started out hating him because he was the reason Harry’s parents were dead, but he turned into the caring godfather we love. 

10. Power must be used cautiously.

Power went to Voldemort’s head and things didn’t work out so well. It feels great to have power and to be in control, but it can destroy you.

11. Wisdom comes as you age.

I have meet some incredible people and just like the characters in Harry Potter, I have so much to learn. Every time Harry was in a tough situation, he could rely on Dumbledore for advice and help. Dumbledore was cryptic and distant sometimes but in the end he offered wise advice and suggestions.

12. Love is more powerful than hatred.

In the end, love, friendship and courage prevailed. Voldemort may have had a lot of power but he didn’t have any friends or any genuine relationships. The support system Harry had gave him the strength to defeat the evil in his life.

13. Teachers are the backbone of everything!

Hogwarts professors taught and protected their students. Real-life teachers may not do magic but they always have their their students’ best interests in mind.

14. Pronunciation is SO important.

Pronunciation is essential when practicing magic and in every day life. End of Story.

15. True friends are there when things get difficult.

This is a common theme in Harry Potter and something I take through life. Friends should be there for you at your best and worst. Period. 

16. Sometimes difficult decisions are required to protect the ones we love.

Hermione chose to make her parents forget her instead of risking their lives. No every situation is extreme like Hermione’s but that doesn’t make it any less difficult.

17. Your illness does not define you.

Lupin didn’t let his illness consume his life. Whether you are born with a condition or had one develop later, remember that you are so much more.

18. Don’t be a racist.

Making people feel less of themselves for something that can’t be changed is NOT cool. No matter the comment, it has no place in the Wizarding World or ours.

19. Death isn’t as scary as it seems.

Death is a commonplace in the series. Death will never be easy but the series taught me how to respond. Don’t fear or worry about someone after they are lost; celebrate their lives and move forward.

20. Magic is forever.

This series is case in point for my life. Starting with the books and ending with the movies, I have loved every second and I can’t wait to share the magic with everyone around me.

I have grown a lot from my experiences but Harry Potter has done an incredible amount to shape who I have become. Everyone experiences things differently though, so let me know what you think and share what you learned from Harry Potter.

5 Things I’m Happy About Right Now

Life has been stressful lately with the quick relocation and move. I have been working with few breaks since last summer. Despite the added stress of moving to Texas and back, I am so grateful for the opportunities I have had and the blessing I received. The transition back to Wisconsin hasn’t been easy but at the end of the day I am so happy.  When I begin to struggle, sometimes I forget all the things that make me smile. Since I have been a little down and lonely lately I thought I would share the five things I am happy about right now. I have no reason to be sad and here is why:

1. Family

One of the perks of living closer to my family is that I am able to visit more often.  Last weekend, I was able to head back to Kewaunee straight after work. This was something I could have never done in Texas. I was able to stay the whole weekend and just relax with my family. This was my first time visiting home that I didn’t have homework or work to do and it was excellent. When I got home Maya, my mom’s dog, even remembered me and got super excited. The weekend went quick, of course, but we did get to see Star Wars and go out for breakfast before I had to head back.

The new Star Wars movie was fantastic.

I am also blessed to have a mom that cares about me.  I have to be honest, I call my mom quite a bit. She is always willing to talk with me though and hear about my day and my woes. I’m sure it is probably nice for her to talk with someone too but I think after a while she is just being nice.

2. Full Time Job

It’s been a crazy ride during my first two weeks at work but I really love my job. As the Digital Coordinator, I focus mostly on social media and digital assets for CB&A and some of our clients. My transition hasn’t been the easiest but I do feel like a valued member of the team. Everyone is very sweet and the winter retreat only solidified that idea in my mind. I found out more about myself and the team. I have a lot to learn but this team is a wonderful asset and resource for knowledge.

My desk is pretty fancy.

3. Madison at Night

When I drive home, I get a pretty nice view of the Madison skyline with the capital. I don’t really get to enjoy it much because I’m driving but it still is beautiful for that five seconds that I can lock my eyes on it before I have to look back at the road. I haven’t had much time to explore Madison yet but I really am excited to continue my journey here. I have a full list of free things to do in Madison so I am ready to get started and to learn more about this area. Right now the weather has been almost unbearable but next week it should get back into the high 20s so I should be able to walk around and get some nice photos. I really want to explore the area but the weather is not cooperating.

4. Friends

Making friends is not easy for me all the time.  Moving to Madison has been been discouraging since I almost literally don’t know anyone. That being said I have been blessed with a few great people in my life. My roommates have been quite wonderful and Delaney even bought be flowers for when I moved in. I was also have plans to see my friend Ben tonight. He works in congress so the conversations for the evening should be interesting but it will be great to see him again. I missed his wedding, so I am excited to see him and catch up on everything I missed. The dinner was planned last minute so I wasn’t able to prepare or plan to bring anything. The evening will be great regardless. He has lived in Madison for four years now, so I am looking forward to getting an insider’s tips on Madison’s top things to do.

5. Full Size Bed

This my seem like a weird thing to be happy about but having a full-size bed does make me happy. I have had a twin bed all my life so it really is a game changer when I actually have enough room for a normal size person. My bed then really all that comfortable for anything special for that matter but I do enjoy the space.

And there you have it to you so the five reasons that I’m happy. They may not make total sense to you, but they definitely make me smile. Transitions and changes in the daily schedules can be stressful but it really does help remembering what makes me happy. I truly am blessed and thinking about what makes my life special helps immensely.


Tips for Volunteering 

Volunteering is my absolute favorite thing to do. I love helping those in need and giving back to the community. I have always tried to find a way to volunteer even if my schedule is demanding. When in comes to choosing where to volunteer I have usually volunteered through my organizations, church or on my own.

Volunteering isn’t hard but sometimes it can be struggle to find out the logistics of an event. There are so many different types of volunteering and non-profits and charities to choose from. I find that volunteering without a group setting everything up can be difficult especially when taking into account what options fit for your schedule and abilities. I can’t remember a time when I didn’t volunteer so I have put together a list of tips that help me choose the best opportunity for me. Hopefully the following tips will help you set up an time for you to volunteer on your own or with a group.

1. Find an organization you’re passionate about

I can guarantee you that you will have a better time volunteering if you choose an organization that has a connection to your passions. Volunteering doesn’t feel like work when you are emotionally invested in the outcomes. I will pretty much do any kind of volunteer work no matter what the cause but I do try to limit the amount of physical labor. I am not extremely handy and I can’t carry a ton of weight so I usually chose opportunities where those aren’t necessities.  I want to help out in any way that I can but choosing the right project for you is vital. You don’t want to end up getting in the way when your core reason for attending was to help and make a difference.

2. Reach out

Once you found a charity organization or non-profit, find out the best way to contact for more information or sign up for an event. Most organizations need help on some level it is rare that you will contact someone from the organization and be turned down.  After you contact someone, make sure to ask questions and find out more about the ways to help. Most organizations I have worked with had specific plans and scheduled for how people can help. Quite a lot of coordination goes into events held by charities and non-profits. When I volunteered at a food pantry, the pantry needed all hands on deck to unload and sort all the food before the people arrived. Once people arrived only a small number where needed to help customers. Timing is everything.

3. Do some research

Before you sign up, you need to look at the requirements and understand what kind of commitment you are making. There are many organizations were you can pick and choose when you are available but others like Big Brothers Big Sisters require more time and effort. Once you found the activity best for you and have signed up continue your research. Make sure you come prepared for your event and ready to serve.  If you are doing an activity with a large amount of physical labor, you will want to have the right attire and shoes. You are giving back to those in need so you don’t want worry over a dirty shirt hold you back from giving your all.

4. Volunteer

This is the easy part! Get out, have fun and make a difference. Volunteering is about changing lives and helping the community. While you may think you aren’t doing a whole lot, trust me when I say you are! Helping even one person is a HUGE deal to them. I have helped many different organizations and worked with people in all walks of life.  Some of the biggest impacts I made was just by listening to someone who felt like they weren’t important. Being present and genuine is sometimes all you need.


5. Do it again!

Hopefully, you had a great time volunteering.  If you didn’t that is fine because there are so many different organizations and opportunities to get involved.  Once you helped out once it is so much easier to get involved again.  The important thing is to help out more.  You may not be able to spare a lot of time but give as much as possible. Helping people makes me so happy and meeting people who devote their lives is giving back is life changing. I met so many wonderful people and I was honored to help in so many places.  Volunteering changes lives and it might just change yours too.

These five tips have helped me get involved in multiple great organizations and meet countless amazing volunteers.  With these in mind, I hope that you will be able to add a little volunteering into your life. Who knows, maybe one day soon you’ll be planning and hosting your own volunteer event!  Happy volunteering and let me know your most memorable volunteer moment.

C. Blohm & Associates 

I was so blessed to have been offered a job at C.Blohm & Associates before I finished my internship at Golin. After leaving Texas on a Saturday, repacking, picking up my new car I’m leasing and moving to Madison, I started working at my first real full-time job.

I left a little early for work to make sure that I arrived on time and didn’t get stuck in traffic. I did get a little lost but I made it right on time.  I was happy to be there and everyone was so welcoming. At 10 AM, everyone stopped working for a little while to eat bagels that were to celebrate my arrival. The breakfast also gave me a chance to meet everyone on the team. After that, I spent most of the day learning about the programs and setting up my accounts before heading to with Jay who is the Digital Director. It was really nice to talk to him because I learned a lot about his life and what he did before coming to CB&A. He also caught me up on what he worked on for the past month.

Welcome to my new office!
The next day I still did mostly introductions to applications and platforms but I was able to sit in on a client call.  The call was quite different than what I was used to since the conference included video and both the client and the CB&A team were meeting for the first time.  After the meeting, I went to lunch with the Account Executives. and I learned a little more about their role at the firm. We ended up spending most of the lunch talking about Netflix shows but it was quite fun. At the end of the day, I met with Jay to discuss our social media plan.  I came out of the meeting with a list of tasks and ready to get started. Friday I spent the majority of the day working on my new projects but I did have a chance to sit in my first staff meeting. Oddly it ended up being my last staff meeting since they were canceled for the rest of the year. We did discuss goals for 2016 and the new role of the digital team which was great. At the end of the day, I met with Jay and Charlene to go over how I feel about my new role.  The conversation was quite interesting and I’m looking forward to helping build the Digital Department at C. Blohm & Associates!

Wall design layout in the conference room.
Since I started on a Wednesday, my work week ended quite quickly but I’m looking forward to my new role. Since I’m starting over in a new city and starting a new job I thought that this would also be a great time to take my blog in a new direction as well.  I have been learning so much doing so many wonderful things that I am going to start sharing my advice, writing commentaries on my passions and while continuing to share some highlights from my life. C. Blohm & Associates has taught me so much already and I can’t wait to share even more.